Monday, September 20, 2010

Newsletter 1

Hey all,

I officially have my visa and my plane ticket and am pretty much set (minus packing) to head over to Belgium! I leave September 29th and am ridiculously excited to get to finally be leaving for Belgium, though also quite nervous.

My funds are still a little low, however I’m an okay to go on the amount of funds that I do have. More support would be preferable, though, so if you are interested in supporting me it is not too late and would still be greatly appreciated.

I went down to Atlanta last week to pick up my visa and was blessed to get to hang out in Chattanooga for a week, catch up with friends and get to visit both Rivermont Pres. and East Ridge Pres. It was such a huge joy to get to see people there before heading out.

Thank you all for your support and prayers. The timing on all of this seemed at first merely frustrating as my departure date kept getting pushed back due to funds and visa, however I realize now how perfect it is as there will also be two other girls coming at the same time as me and because I got/get to be home and help as my family packs and moves. I’m so

thankful to be going when I’m going.



Prayer Requests:

  • Safe travel to Belgium (I’m not a fan of flying.)
  • Completion of funds.
  • Smooth transition for me and the two other girls coming at the same time.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Quick update

Visa: check
Plane ticket: check

I leave September 29th for Belgium! I am so excited to be getting over there.

My funds are still a little low, however, I'm okay to go.

I'll be sending out my very first newsletter soon (most likely a short one) so if anyone wants to receive said newsletter/newsletters let me know.